Sunday, October 19, 2008


I've taken something along the lines of 500 pictures since I got here, so I have quite a bit of backlog to go through. Until I'm done organizing and writing-up all the summary needed, there's going to be very little in the way of new stuff, for which I apologize.

In the meantime, enjoy some language issues.

Big sandwich, delicious sandwich
Unfortunately, no sandwiches are both big and delicious.

Boutique Gender
I guess if you need a new one, this is the best place to go.

Non-step bus
You have to hover to get there.

I think I'm just entertained by the phase "armbaito"

American super junk
In case you didn't have enough Japanese super junk...

Our gas is wet
No comment.

Hot carrot
Unfortunately, their sister restaurant Voluptuous Potato was closed for renovations.

Radic color, addicted to junks
Luckily, they're starting up a 12-step junk addiction program soon.

Cassette gas, my bombe
An explosive combination.

Glitzy chest
Perhaps not something to brag about, but whatever makes them happy.

An unlikely target audience in Japan.

For some people who insist on buying branded goods, this may very well be the case.

Lame mirror
At least they're honest.


Silly Sasha said...

Hah, oh Engrish... so entertaining.

Apparently the "no step bus" is not actually Engrish though - I thought it was, but a friend said it means the bus does not have handicap capabilities (the step that goes down for them). :)

Girl, Japan said...

That's horribly disappointing! I liked it better when I thought it didn't make sense.

Anonymous said...

I think I need a Lame Mirror. . . hides the bad hair day.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Greetings from Knox. The Engrish is hilarious. Though sometimes I just wanna go ". . ?", though I imagine it's the same way for our trendy clothing and stuff over here that has "Japanese" on it.