This is, perhaps, not the deepest observation about Japan, but even at the end of October, it's still strangely warm here. I suppose it's that crazy "island-nation" thing, but it's almost disconcerting to still be wearing tank tops and light jackets immediately before Halloween.
Speaking of Halloween, I was surprised at how popular Halloween is here. There are large displays in most of the major stores, including black and orange garlands and those cheesy fake bats on the walls. My host sister for one is positively obsessed with the idea. But then again, I suppose the allure of free candy is a siren song no matter what language you speak.
I have no idea if the concept of "Trick or Treat" exists in Japan like it does in the U.S. Guess I'll see, huh?
A little wonky business aside:
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The only exisiting feed is the one on Livejournal, but if anyone feels any particular drive to create another feed for this blog (on Myspace or Facebook or what-have-you), feel free to do so. Just give me a link so I can spread the love around.
Better posts to come when I work through some more of the GIGANTIC PICTURE BACKLOG this weekend. Stay tuned.