Thursday, October 23, 2008

Warmer Climes/Trick or Treat/Business-like


This is, perhaps, not the deepest observation about Japan, but even at the end of October, it's still strangely warm here. I suppose it's that crazy "island-nation" thing, but it's almost disconcerting to still be wearing tank tops and light jackets immediately before Halloween.

Speaking of Halloween, I was surprised at how popular Halloween is here. There are large displays in most of the major stores, including black and orange garlands and those cheesy fake bats on the walls. My host sister for one is positively obsessed with the idea. But then again, I suppose the allure of free candy is a siren song no matter what language you speak.

I have no idea if the concept of "Trick or Treat" exists in Japan like it does in the U.S. Guess I'll see, huh?

A little wonky business aside:

A note to LJ users: I've set up a Livejournal feed so you can syndicate this journal to your friends page. Look it up under the name "girl_japan" or click here. (Just make sure to stop by the main page if you want to comment! Otherwise, I'll probably never see it.)

For existing feed members, be sure to stop by the main frame of the blog from time to time. Right now, I've got a poll going on what subjects will be covered in future entries, so if you have an idea, send it my way! If you're reading this on a feed, click here to visit the main page and vote for future subjects.

The only exisiting feed is the one on Livejournal, but if anyone feels any particular drive to create another feed for this blog (on Myspace or Facebook or what-have-you), feel free to do so. Just give me a link so I can spread the love around.

Better posts to come when I work through some more of the GIGANTIC PICTURE BACKLOG this weekend. Stay tuned.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


I've taken something along the lines of 500 pictures since I got here, so I have quite a bit of backlog to go through. Until I'm done organizing and writing-up all the summary needed, there's going to be very little in the way of new stuff, for which I apologize.

In the meantime, enjoy some language issues.

Big sandwich, delicious sandwich
Unfortunately, no sandwiches are both big and delicious.

Boutique Gender
I guess if you need a new one, this is the best place to go.

Non-step bus
You have to hover to get there.

I think I'm just entertained by the phase "armbaito"

American super junk
In case you didn't have enough Japanese super junk...

Our gas is wet
No comment.

Hot carrot
Unfortunately, their sister restaurant Voluptuous Potato was closed for renovations.

Radic color, addicted to junks
Luckily, they're starting up a 12-step junk addiction program soon.

Cassette gas, my bombe
An explosive combination.

Glitzy chest
Perhaps not something to brag about, but whatever makes them happy.

An unlikely target audience in Japan.

For some people who insist on buying branded goods, this may very well be the case.

Lame mirror
At least they're honest.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Stray cats

I don't usually talk about my Japanese language notes (nor do I intend to make it a habit, since not everyone is as entranced by Japanese as I am), but I found this one kind of interesting.

In Japanese, the word "noraneko" literally refers to a stray cat. You'll see noraneko around Tokyo from time to time, and unlike most strays, they don't seem to be terribly bothered by people.

What's interesting, though is that the use of the word has morphed to include not only actual cats but homeless women around Tokyo. There are apparently a few young women in Tokyo who basically leech off of other people for food, places to sleep, new clothes and the like. They "meow" and "purr" their way into men's hearts, if only for a while.

(This is also probably one also why earlier today, my Japanese professor laughed a bit when a girl in my class said she liked to rescue noranekos.)