Monday, November 3, 2008

The Naming of Things

There's a talk coming up at my school called "Just Do Eat" (yeah, I don't know either), so I assume it's something about nutrition or food matters. I got a flier for it, and I was looking it over, and there are apparently two special guest speakers. One is a model. The other is a woman whose occupation is listed as "Senior Vegetable and Fruit Master."

Senior Vegetable and Fruit Master. She's probably a dietitian or something, but that's a pretty intimidating job title for someone who just tells you what to eat.

I think we should tack "master" onto job titles in the US, too. What better way to turn a humdrum, boring job description into something interesting and captivating?

Filing master. Door-to-door sales master. And, the most useful one for me after I get my Asian Studies degree, pizza delivery master. I can almost feel the respect rolling in.

1 comment:

Collective Consciousness. said...

Laura, you rock.

You write about stuff that matters. : D